No scarier statistics than this. Right, my fellow Marketers?

95% of visitors coming to your websites are not ready to buy products or services.

This means that you will most likely be able to convince only 2% of the traffic you offer to buy when they visit your site for the first time.

There is a lot you are missing. Right? Fortunately, there is one thing you can do to bring back your lost visitors - Use the process of refocusing your campaign.

What is Retargeting?

Retargeting Ad Campaigns remind your website, visitors, about your products and services after they leave the website without buying any product or service.

This is how retargeting works:

  • Potential customers
  • They visit your website
  • Scroll through your website
  • They leave the website without checking out
  • Later on, they surf your website
  • Your ad recaptures their interest and brings them back to your website
  • Your potential customers turn into happy customers

In retargeting campaigns, you enjoy the benefit of targeting specific visitors with specific ads to convince them to convert into your customers at the best offers. These campaigns get you results because here your target market is already those people who have visited your website and shown some interest in the product or service that you are offering. By placing these ads on various social media channels and with the help of search engines, you can remind these visitors how your product/ service can be the solution to their problem.

The UK’s largest online watch dealer, Watchfinder started running their Retargeting Campaigns and in just a span of approximately six months, they were able to achieve 1300% ROI.

How to set up retargeting campaigns for Google AdWords:

Google Display Network accessibility is highest in the United States, reaching over 92% of millions of visitors through millions of websites, videos, and devices.

Follow these steps to create a successful Google AdSense conversion campaign:

1. Log in to your AdWords account

2. Open the "Shared Library" option.

3. Click on "Audiences".

4. Perform "setup remarketing".

5. Click 'View ad tags for websites.'

6. Select and copy the specified marketing label code. This tag works for both mobile and desktop websites.

7. Check the tag at the bottom of the website you want to use for your campaign.

8. Save and publish your page.

9. Use Google Tag Assistant to verify that your tags are working properly

10. Click "Continue".

11. Click "Return to Audiences".

Within a few days, the tag will start collecting file files to visit the website and will start listing "All Visitors" in your account.

Optimizing the Retargeting Ads:

The campaign includes ads using pictures, videos, and rich media to engage the audience. Try to make effective display advertisements.

For an optimized retargeting ad, we need-

1. An eye-catching & quirky headline - to gather visitor’s attention immediately

2. Visually appealing & relevant media post - Place visually attractive posts to capture your audience’s interest.

3. Proper call to action button - Place a proper call to action button in a contrast color

4. To the point context- Since you have limited characters to explain, your posts must be to the point to offer visitors an incentive to click.

Make sure that all retargeting ads are connected to post-click landing pages instead of the home pages as this provides better results with an increased conversion ratio that convinces the audience to convert into customers.

ADS Optimise, the best retargeting ads agency provides you such amazing retargeting platforms & opportunities to exactly target the audience who have already shown an interest in your product/service earlier. We don’t waste such opportunities by directing the customers to other unnecessary pages that don’t get you immediate conversions. Click here to get in touch and discuss getting an increased ROI.